You go to the drug store for ibuprofen and antacid, not condoms and pregnancy tests. 去药店是买布洛芬和抗酸药,而不是避孕套和早孕试纸了。
"It was easy" she said," I went to the pharmacy and bought the2 pack home pregnancy test kit and both tests came out positive!" “很简单,”巴菲回答说,“我去药店买了两套家用验孕测试用具,两次都是阳性!”
Requirements include monthly visits to a dermatologist, filling prescriptions within a week after they're written, and, for women, monthly pregnancy tests and the use of two forms of birth control. 要求包括每个月看一次皮肤科医生,在医生开处方后一个星期内使用药物。女性每个月进行一次妊娠试验,使用两种避孕措施。
Pregnant abortion The doctor ask medical history gynaecology, found a little blood from uterine cervix immediately, the blade urine pregnancy tests. 医生询问病史并进行妇科检查,发现少许血来自宫腔,就立即作了宫颈刮片和尿妊娠试验。
Conclusions The strip hCG test on the sample from hematocelia illustrated a higher diagnostic rate than on the samples from urine, which is more simple and more rapid than other methods of pregnancy tests. 结论初步验证了用验孕试条检验腹腔内积血血样较其他方法的妊娠试验简单、方便、快捷,较尿验孕试条检验法阳性检出率高,有良好的临床实用性和推广价值。
These derivatives showed certain pregnancy terminating activity in aminal tests. Among them, 2-biphenylyl group compounds exhibited more potent activity than the others. 药理试验表明:上述化合物均有不同程度的口服抗早孕活性,其中以2-联苯基取代物活性较高。
Chronic ectopic pregnancy was often misdiagnosed as pelvic mass, ovarian neoplasmas, et al, because of it's chronicity of symptoms and high incidence of negative pregnancy tests. 陈旧性宫外孕因其病程长、症状不典型、妊娠试验阴性率高,易误诊为盆腔包块、卵巢肿瘤等。